Hubworkair has received support from the Île-de-France Regional Council, and therefore has the pleasure of joining the members of the Paris Region Business Club network, which brings together 2,500 managers from the Ile-de-France region.
The competitiveness of Ile-de-France companies and innovation are priorities for the Île-de-France region. This is why the Region supports nearly 700 companies each year in their development and innovation projects thanks to Innov'up, TP'up and PM'up aid and the Paris Region Venture Fund and InvESS investment funds. .
All the supported companies then join the Paris Region Business Club, a privileged network of strategic companies in Île-de-France. In total, nearly 2,500 companies now form this ever-growing club.
In a constant desire to grow businesses in the Ile-de-France region, member companies of the Paris Region Business Club carry the "Powered by Paris Region" label which offers them regional as well as international visibility.