Our mission

Help you instantly identify the best profiles with a powerful matching and scoring algorithm

Big Data

ARIA analyzes in a few seconds hundreds of thousands of data from the profiles of our candidates within our database.

Machine Learning

Our algorithm records the evolution of your expectations and the consecutive answers from candidates to learn and introduce you only profiles matching your needs.

Weighted criteria

ARIA provides results taking into account the importance of each of your job priorities (skills, experience, location, availability, salary).

Customize all your job criteria

See all your posted jobs

Track applicants on your dashboard

Access applicants profile details

Customize all your job criteria

Customize all your job criteria

See all your posted jobs

See all your posted jobs

Track applicants on your dashboard

Track applicants on your dashboard

Access applicants profile details

Access applicants profile details
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Job analysis

Describe your job position and all information will be automatically processed and weighted by our algorithm.

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Candidates preselection

Get a shortlist of the best profiles with the highest matching percentage. You reveal the most relevant candidates.

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Directly contact the candidates, schedule an interview and make a contract proposal directly from your dedicated dashboard.

20 %

30 %

75 %

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